How To Replace Glock Pistol Sights

How To Replace Glock Pistol Sights? (With Sight Pusher)

Let’s get straight to the business. For this article, I’m going to show you how to replace your pistol sights one a Glock 19 properly. As you know, factory Glock sights are just not worth it. The best place for them is in the trash can.

When you pick up a new pistol or any other pistol for the matter, it might be worthwhile to look at the size you got on it because many people don’t realize that there is a difference.

Don’t assume that just because your pistol came with sights doesn’t mean you are good to go. I chose to go with a Glock because it is a great platform to showcase the replacement of pistol sights.

However, when you get a new Glock 19, it’s coming from the factory with plastic sights. What you want is a good steel set of night sights. It is a worthwhile upgrade and also very affordable.

You are also adding reliability and functionality to the gun because you are getting that nighttime sight picture. The sight I’ll be adding today is the TRUGLO TFX Pro Tritium and Fiber Optic Xtreme handgun sights for Glock pistols. It’s one of the best Glock 19 sights on the market.

About The Night Sight

This is their day/night setup, so we’ve got a tritium insert for the front and rear. Two in the back and one in the front. Added to that, a highly visible white ring surrounds the front fiber to get a clear sight picture in the day. It’s not just black on black.

Tools You Will Need

Alright. So, for this project, you do have to have some tools. This is not going to be a stay-at-home and grab a screwdriver and make this happen kind of deal. Here are some basics.

If you want to do this at home, Glock pistols are one of the easier guns to replace the sight on. Some might need some specialized tools, but most of the time, you can get by with a good brass punch and a soft hammer.

However, I want to show an easier way. We are going to use some extra tools. We are going to be taking advantage of two things. So, the way that the front sight is attached on Glock, a screw holds it in, so you will need a Glock front sight tool.

If you think you can get by with a socket or something small like that, this is a very thin wall with a very small margin of error. A Glock front sight tool will only cost you a few bucks. Also, if you use anything else, you might break the screw.

You certainly don’t want that. So, if you are going to be doing this at home, this is really one of the more important tools you’re going to need.

As for the rear sight, it will be dovetailed in. This means that it’s a press fit. We are just going to push that rear sight out, and we are going to push a new sight in with a sight pusher.

If you have a lot of different guns, you might want to consider getting a universal sight pusher.

In short, things you will need are:

  1. You will need a Glock front sight tool.
  2. A universal sight pusher tool.

Replace Pistol Sights On A Glock

Follow this step-by-step guide so that you don’t mess things up. Alright, so let’s get started.

Step 1

The first step is really easy. Since you are working with a Glock, the front sight is going to come out really easy. You simply insert the tool, unscrew, and since it’s a plastic sight, you won’t have to worry about hurting it.

That thing is going to the trash can anyway. Once you’ve removed that front sight and even the rear sight, these are one-time use sights, so that’s something that we are done with. We don’t want to put them back in a gun.

Step 2

The front sight is only going to go in one way. When you are lining the front up, you can camp this to one side or the other. You can put the finger on the top to cause a little bit of pressure. That’s going to keep it straight in the dovetail.

When you tighten down that screw, you will be aligned. You can go ahead and use a blue Loctite thread locker. That way, it will be removable if you need it.

Step 3

It’s to work on the rear sights. Go ahead and use the sight pusher. First of all, you will have to tighten the slide in there. It takes literally no pressure to pull the gun’s sight out if you are a good sight pusher. Now, you have got an empty rear slide.

Step 4

Now take the new sight. Now, this will be on several different guns and several different models of sights where I have a set screw and the dovetail.

What I’m going to do is I’ll make sure that the screw is backed out far enough where it’s not going to interfere when you are sliding the sight in.

Step 5

Before you process any further, do a test fit. Sometimes I will need to work a metal file on that, just to take off a little if it’s hard getting in there.

Now line the slide up into the tool. You will notice that the steel sights take a little more effort than plastic. That’s a good thing.

That means they’re going to stay put. Measure the placement to check if it is aligned. So, this model did have a set screw, so we do want to go ahead and tighten that down.

Final Words

And now you have got a fresh set of sights on your Glock ready to go. Enjoy and shoot safely.

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